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Falls Prevention & Management in Older Adult
Event Type:
National Conference
28 February 2025
Kat (Email Contact)
Contact Phone:
01932 429933
This conference focuses on falls prevention and management in older people with a focus on ensuring effective and resilient falls prevention activity. The conference will update delegates on the World Guidelines for Falls Prevention and Management in Older Adults and highlight best practice through case studies. Sessions throughout the day will focus on activity and falls, developing falls prevention and healthy ageing, understanding human factors in falls prevention, meeting the psychological needs of those who have fallen or are at risk of falls, improving falls education and awareness, effective personalised multidisciplinary assessment, reducing falls on the ward, falls and mental health including delirium prevention, medication management and improving secondary prevention. The conference will also discuss key elements in the reduction of falls in your service including strength, balance and exercise promotion, managing underlying health issues, developing personalized falls prevention care plans, frailty presenting as falls. The conference will also update delegates on national requirements for falls investigation and learning under the Patient Safety Incident Response Framework (PSIRF).

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