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Online Symposium: Developing Competencies amongst Health and Social Care Staff within Care Homes
Event Type:
02 May 2024 - 02 May 2024
Details of Presentations Presentation 1: Medical care for care home residents: quality improvement, training GPs, and placement of medical students. Speaker: Neil Chadborn (University of Nottingham) Overview: In this presentation, I will talk about our recently published work on the competencies required for medical care of residents. The literature review and consensus study aimed to draw together items for post-graduate medical curricula, irrespective of specialty – i.e. that could be applied to the training of GPs, geriatricians, or other specialists. I will also summarise recent work on the involvement of GPs as part of quality improvement in care homes, and the training requirements of trainee GPs. Finally I will reflect on some ‘work in progress’: our early development of placements of medical students in care homes (within Healthcare of Later Life rotation).

Presentation 2: Inter-professional placements in care homes – exploring ways to develop a current project where medical students work as healthcare assistants. Speaker: Susanne Lindqvist and Elizabeth Davison (University of East Anglia) Overview: This presentation will give a brief overview of a project where medical students work as healthcare assistants in various settings, including care homes. As this project evolves to become mandatory for students within the acute setting, we wish to develop a new opportunity for inter-professional learning in care homes. Some initial ideas will be explored with the aim to address challenges faced by universities and care homes.

Presentation 3: Reciprocal practice learning with adult social care: sharing a successful pedagogical model Speaker: Pam Hodge (Middlesex University) and Louise Keane (Nurse Education Lead & Social Care Advisory Council Lead for North Central London ICB) Overview: This talk will share two concurrent and complimentary projects undertaken between Middlesex University and the North Central London adult social care sector, which have led to enhanced practice learning opportunities for both adult social care teams and nursing students. The model has successfully engaged over 200 adult social care staff in clinical skills training at the university and lead to higher quality, and increased quantities, of nursing student placements. It is a requirement of the Nursing and Midwifery Council that nursing students understand health and social systems, and care homes offer an invaluable opportunity to meet this educational standard and also supports future workforce development in the sector.

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