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CFP: Post-pandemic Digital Realities of Older Adults

Dear Members,

 The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated the integration of technology into the lives and physical environments of people globally, while it has highlighted the disparities and digital inequities within our society. Technology use reinforces classical inequalities between rich and poor, majority and minorities, old and young. This in turn for some people has resulted in mixed experiences since 2020, they have been able to work from home, be more productive, while for many more, the sense of loneliness, and social isolation has increased greatly. Post-pandemic digital realities re-shape the discussion on the overcome ability and the belief in a successful adoption of the digital technologies later in life, also about the obstacles and challenges associated with the sustained use of technology, as for example the technostress and issues regarding privacy and surveillance. For older adults in particular the new digital spectrum raises issues regarding attitudes and technology awareness, self-trust and the mitigation between online and offline activities.

The focus is on emergent topics from the interaction between older people’s digital repertoires and their abilities to convert digital use in positive, meaningful experience. We welcome both review and position papers and empirical research associated to the health, wellbeing, technostress and attitudes towards technology, algorithms and tracking applications, issues regarding privacy and surveillance and how such things shape the new digital realities of older adults.

We encourage authors to send a short abstract (500 words max), with a tentative title in advance and full contact details, and social media accounts (e.g., Twitter) to the guest editors. Paper submissions are welcome and are not limited from the fields of gerontology, aging studies, psychology of ageing, gerontechnology, Human Computer Interaction, media and communications, and interdisciplinary studies. 

More information can be found via the CFP website:

We look forward to receiving your submissions.


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