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ERA Events

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ERA holds events online. To stay informed follow ERA on Twitter BSG Emerging Researchers in Ageing (@BSG_ERA / Twitter and Eventbrite British Society of Gerontology's Emerging Researchers in Ageing Events / Eventbrite. To receive regular ERA event updates, email and ask to join the email mailing list. 

Our next online event is listed at the bottom of the page.

Between 2020 and 2022 ERA hosted a range of online events attended by people from 16 countries. Our event partners included the Ageing and Society academic journal, the BSG Special Interest Group 'Ageing, Business, Society@ and the digital business start-up support organisation ZINC. The events included: 

  • “Crafting the next Stirling Prize poster: A Master Class with Nadine Mirza” (16 December 2020)

  • “New Year, New Career? Options for academics post-PhD” (12 January 2021)

  • “Writing for Publication:  A Masterclass with Athina Vlachantoni, Deputy Editor, Ageing & Society (29 March 2021)

  • “I hate networking! A masterclass for reluctant networkers” (10 May 2021)

  • “Writing book reviews” with the review editors of International Journal of Care and Caring and Ageing & Society (13 December 2021)

  • “Alt-ac careers” (11 January 2022)

  • Various “Gerontology and Tonics” - G&Ts are an online forum where you can meet up informally with other BSG ERA members. We support each other with short presentations on gerontological topics, designed to be accessible to “accidental gerontologists”. These are followed by an informal hang-out where we can share a virtual drink (alcoholic or non-alcoholic) together. For further information read the G&T summaries on the British Society of Gerontology Blog

We are always interested in your suggestions for future events.  Please send any suggestions you may have to the  Thank you!