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Membership Benefits

Membership of the BSG brings you into a community of academics and practitioners interested in a wide range of issues related to ageing.

In particular, membership:

  • Facilitates access to dynamic and up-to date debates about ageing and ageing studies - our members are involved in cutting edge research, policy and practice and are very willing to share their perspectives with you
  • Members have access to a number of social media platforms – blog Ageing Issues; Twitter account; YouTube channel Ageing Bites and a LinkedIn Group
  • Entitles you to significantly reduced rates at the Annual Conferences of the British Society of Gerontology
  • Reduced registration fee for BSG members at Canadian Association on Gerontology (CAG) Annual Conference. CAG members can also avail of reduced registration fee to attend BSG Annual Conference
  • Gives access to our vibrant group of Emerging Researchers in Ageing (ERA), which includes students, postdoctoral researchers and people new to careers in ageing, meet regularly to discuss research, policy and practice and support one another in their careers
  • Access to our newsletter (BSGmail) to enable you to keep up-to-date about news, conferences, seminars, teaching courses, and research about ageing and ageing studies
  • If you are a student, postdoctoral or unwaged member, you are entitled to apply for a conference bursary, for example, to cover costs to attend our annual conference
  • Entitles you to substantially reduced subscription rates to the following peer reviewed journals: Ageing and Society, Journal of Population Ageing and International Journal of Care and Caring
  • Entitles you to free access to the online version of Ageing & Society
  • Entitles you to free access to the online version of Journal of Global Ageing
  • Policy Press allow an amazing 30% discount on all books. To take advantage of this discount, please click here (please note the discount will only be honoured by using this link) and use the code POBSG30. 
  • Provides you with access to all areas of the BSG website, including Members Only pages
In addition, our online newsletter Generations Review enables members to communicate with one another and is a dynamic forum in which to discuss current issues about research, policy and practice.

Find out more about the BSG

Please click here to view the BSG animated video which includes information about the benefits of joining the British Society of Gerontology as a member.