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New UKRI Funding Opportunity - Ageing Across the Life Course Interdisciplinary Research Networks
On Monday 6th September BBSRC and MRC jointly launched a new funding opportunity to support Ageing Across the Life Course Interdisciplinary Research Networks.

This new call will establish a cadre of challenge-led, interdisciplinary research networks that bring together novel and diverse groupings of researchers and other stakeholders in the ageing research field. Networks should enhance collaboration, build new interdisciplinary research communities and promote knowledge exchange, with a view to improving our understanding of ageing trajectories across the lifecourse. 

The total fund available for this call is £2 million, and we envisage funding approximately 10 networks up to a value of £200,000 each over a period of two years. The majority of funds will be used to support focused networking initiatives but some funds will also be available to support key pump priming activities. The call for applications opened on Monday 6th September and will close on October 13th 2021. 

Further information regarding eligibility and how to apply can be found on the UKRI Funding Finder and all funding enquiries should be directed to BBSRC and MRC will also be holding a Webinar for this call on Wednesday 22nd September at 10 a.m. to answer questions from the community (register here).


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