Centre for Research on Ageing and Gender
University of Surrey
CRAG brings together social scientific expertise to conduct policy relevant research on gender and ageing and their intersection with other forms of social division, identity and (in)equality. The principal aim is to advance understanding of how gender influences the experience of ageing, and how ageing influences gender roles and relationships. This is achieved by:
- Undertaking mixed-methods resarch;
- Collaborating on interdisciplinary projects and taking an holistic approach, which emphasises the interconnections between health, income and material resources, and social roles and relationships, and how these vary according to gender difference and diversity;
- Adopting a life course approach, which links socio-economic position, roles and relationships in later life to the earlier biographies and intersectionality,which addresses mutliple axes of inequality, power and privilege;
- Encouraging scientific exchange through honorary visiting research positions for international scholars.
University of Surrey
Dept. of Sociology, University of Surrey, Guildford, Surrey, GU2 7XH