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Founding Fellows award ceremony
Dr Kate Davidson
Past BSG President
Dr Kate Davidson

The award to Alan for his exceptionally outstanding contribution to gerontology stimulated some thoughts about how other ‘luminaries’ of BSG might be acknowledged. The Executive Committee agreed that we should inaugurate a system of ‘Fellowships’ of the BSG. Many learned societies, particularly those in North America, have such a system of rewarding loyal/outstanding members though applications which are scrutinised by a panel of current Fellows. I am delighted to report that we now have a core of Founding Fellows who include Dennis Bromley, Bill Bytheway, Eileen Fairhurst, Mary Gilhooly, Malcolm Johnson, Leonie Kellaher, Alan Lipman, Mary Marshall, Yvonne Neville, Chris Phillipson, Patrick Rabbitt, Anthea Tinker and Tony Warnes.

It was wonderful that most of them were able to attend the ‘inauguration’ ceremony in the Victoria Rooms in Bristol during the reception prior to the BSG annual conference dinner. Bill, Mary Gilhooly, Malcolm, Yvonne, Chris, Anthea and Tony received their certificates in person. Alan’s wife Beata was in the UK on a visit from South Africa where they now live, and received the certificate on his behalf, and Alan’s son was also at the reception. I was particularly thrilled to have Alan represented at the ceremony. He was a great ‘mover and shaker’ when the Society started as the British Society of Social and Behavioural Gerontology (BSSBG) in 1971.

In the New Year, I will organise the procedure for electing new Fellows and will place this up on the BSG website.

The conference in Bristol in 1997 was my first as a fully fledged Secretary of BSG and it is fitting that the conference there in 2008 was my last as President. What was even more of a privilege for me was that as my last official duty, I presented the certificates to such a distinguished group of Fellows in the city of my birth.

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