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Message from the Honorary Secretary
Dr Ingrid Eyers
University of Surrey

A very happy and successful 2007 to you all! To commence our 2007 activities with the launch of Generations Review (GR) in this new format is a splendid start and reflects the continuation of the development of our website and the range of opportunities that MadCat Studios have provided us with. With the regular support we now have from Rachel Pitman as our website manager, we are moving forward in leaps and bounds. Together with the Reading team editing GR, Rachel will be key to the production of GR and we are extremely lucky to have her on board. More information about Rachel is available on the website that she also keeps up to date.

For those of us involved in the background work it has been and will initially continue to be, a time consuming task as we change the method of membership renewal and introduce on line voting. For the last few years our administration has been supported by The Lavenham Group (TLG) who have been invaluable to the Honorary Secretary and Treasurer. A big thank you to Jill Box and those who have worked with her over the years. Special thanks also for being so accommodating in the transition period.

With changes in our banking systems the Charities Aid Foundation (CAFBank) has been able to offer the BSG services that in conjunction with the website will in future provide the membership with an improved service. We hope this is welcomed by members. At present we are not yet able to complete all banking transactions on-line but we do hope this will be possible before long.

The elections to the Executive Committee this year have brought about a considerable change as we welcome Judith Phillips as President Elect and Vanessa Burholt as Treasurer Elect. Both are in these roles for two years and will take over from Kate Davidson and Mark Faulkner respectively at the Annual General Meeting to be held in Bristol in 2008. Randall Smith and Angela Kydd were both re-elected to serve a further three years on the Executive Committee and as new members we welcome Bernadette Bartlam, Simon Evans, Tony Maltby and Wendy Martin. Representing the organisers of the BSG conference in Yorkshire this year Murna Downs has been co-opted back onto the committee for one year. Under the leadership of Kate Davidson as President we can stride forth on the path ahead, building on the work undertaken by Chris Phillipson who has been instrumental in ensuring the BSG is well equipped for the future.

This new way of communication with the membership aims to widen activities amongst the members throughout the year. If you have ideas and thoughts that you would like to put to fellow members using the website please contact us via It would be great to use the website to its full potential and contributions from the membership are most welcome.

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