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Message from the President of BSG
Judith Phillips
University of Wales Swansea
Judith Phillips

Easter Greetings.

With spring comes new life and the re-generation of activity and campaigning; for the Society this means a new round of conference planning and strategy development.


Hopefully you have visited the web site and seen the annual conference activities of our ERA group . The meeting will be held in Cardiff on May 14th and 15th and promises to be a great opportunity for emerging researchers to explore the research policy interface through meeting the Deputy Minister for Older People and the Older People’s Commissioner for Wales (the first such appointment in the world). The meetings will be held in the iconic Sennedd building in Cardiff Bay and will be topped and tailed with presentations from myself (as President) and Mim Bernard (as President elect). Last years ERA members presented excellent papers on their research and we are again looking forward to a feast of top quality papers and lively discussion from our emerging scholars. My thanks go to Christian Beech, Paul Nash and Kelly Fitzgerald at Swansea University for organising this event.

I would also like to thank Ian Sidney who has steered the ERA group over the last two years for his work; Ian leaves for a sabbatical in Kentucky shortly and so our incoming ERA President, Christian Beech, will be taking over the reigns of the ERA group.

Moving from Wales to Scotland thanks also go to Sue Tester for organising the Scottish members seminar which will take place in Edinburgh at the end of April.

A variety of other conferences and seminars are highlighted on our web page with the IAGG Paris (July 5-9th) being one of the key opportunities for us to present and showcase our research in the UK. As part of the British Council on Ageing the BSG will be sharing an exhibition stand at the event with the BGS and the BSRA and we hope all members attending will support BSG by visiting us. For further details on the conference see

Our own conference again in Bristol this year (September 2-4th) also promises a feast of high quality presentations and exhibitions on themes such as: Cultures of ageing; research methods; health and wellbeing for older people; ageing and technology; long-term health and social care and diversity and discrimination. We are grateful to Simon Evans and the team at Bristol for all their hard work in organising this event. The Reading team who are hosting the 2010 conference also have an impressive line up of speakers and I encourage members to look on the web site for further details of the conference on ‘Identities, Care and Everyday Life’.

In relation to future BSG events, we are exploring a joint BSG-Irish Gerontological Society/CARDI conference with the possibility of holding this in Ireland! We are also inviting any institutions/teams who would like to organise the 2011 annual conference to let us know as soon as possible.

Executive meetings

Our executive meetings have centred on the development of the Society’s strategy and additional new action groups have been established. These will specifically address issues in relation to:

  • Sharpening our identity and communicating our mission;
  • Building capacity through the ERA group;
  • Lobbying and advising Research Councils and other influential stakeholders
  • Producing an impact brochure showcasing UK research
  • Securing sponsorship
  • Linking with other societies.

The groups are developing terms of reference and are keen to co-opt additional members to work with them. Please let me know if you are interested in contributing to any of the above groups. I am sure we are not tapping into the vast expertise we have amongst our members to take these areas of work forward. Your Exec needs you!

Alan Walker Prize

The announcement for invitations to nominate an individual or an organisation (who have made a significant and lasting contribution to British Social Gerontology) for the AW Prize is on our web site. The prize will be presented at the conference in Bristol. Tony Maltby at NIACE is the secretary of the awards committee, and any nominations should be sent to him by noon on the 16th June 2009.

Finally congratulations go to both Professor Sheila Peace and Professor Vanessa Burholt, both long standing members of the Society, who recently gave their inaugural lectures at their respective universities. Environmental gerontology is certainly growing in the UK!

Best wishes


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