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New Dynamics of Ageing Research Programme
Details of all the 11 new preparatory networks...

The New Dynamics of Ageing Research Programme's Preparatory Networks

Introduced by Alan Walker Programme Director

Following the report on progress from the NDA Programme in the last Generations Review this article contains details of the eleven Preparatory Networks funded by the Programme. These networks are an innovatory response by the Research Councils to the low success rate in the first round of Collaborative Research Projects (CRPs). They have provided seedcorn funding to these eleven networks, following an open call, with the sole purpose of supporting the development of high quality applications for the second round of CRPs later this year. The networks are all in their development stage, therefore, if you are interested in joining one please contact the coordinator. The networks and the applications they produce must be multidisciplinary and, at the moment, the disciplines not fully represented in the Programme include basic biology; mechanical and building/structural engineering; and the arts and humanities.

The networks are listed below - click on the title to be taken to details of each network:

Adapting Support to Sustain Autonomy
Leela Damodaran, Research School of Informatics, University of Loughborough

Working Late: Strategies to Enhance Productive and Healthy Environments for the Older Workforce
Cheryl Haslam, Fehmidah Munir and Hilary McDermott Department of Human Sciences, Loughborough University

The Development of an Interdisciplinary Rural Ageing Research Agenda Using the OPeRA (Older People in Rural Areas) Network
Catherine Hennessy School of Nursing and Community Studies, University of Plymouth

Developing an Integrated Methodology to Demonstrate the Cost/Benefits of Housing Interventions for Older People
Frances Heywood School of Policy Studies, University of Bristol

A Life Course Approach to Healthy Ageing: Capitalising on the Value of the UK Life Course Cohorts
Diana Kuh MRC National Survey of Health and Development University College London

Self Management of Chronic Disease in Older People, Through Wireless Sensor Network Applications
Alison Marshall Keyworth Institute, University of Leeds

Design Enabling Autonomy and Independence through Smart Clothes and Wearable Technology
Jane McCann, Smart Clothes and Wearable Technology Research Group, University of Wales, Newport

Keeping Individuals Safe and Secure (KISS): Safety & Security for Older People
Rachel McCrindle School of Systems Engineering, University of Reading

Inclusive Work in an Ageing Society
Kerry Platman Warwick Institute for Employment Research, University of Warwick

Experiences and Uses of Technology in Older Age
Judith Sixsmith Division of Psychology and Social Change, Manchester Metropolitan University

Cultural Perception and Adherence to Exercise and Nutritional Interventions in Older Individuals: Physiological, Hormonal and Cellular Constraints
Claire Stewart and Gladys Onambele Pearson Institute of Biopysical and Clinical Research into Human Movement, Manchester Metropolitan University

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