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Institute of Public Health in Ireland
Knowledge Translation Officer - Ageing and Public Health
The Institute of Public Health in Ireland (IPH) is a body supported and co-funded by the Departments of Health in the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland. IPH is committed to improving the health and wellbeing of communities across the island of Ireland through public health approaches and addressing health inequalities to ensure better health outcomes. The Ageing Research and Development Division’s work within IPH focuses on the connections between public health and ageing. This permanent post working at a strategic level is focused on translating research, data, policy and practice relevant to public health and ageing. The translation function means drawing on a range of data, research reports and analysis and turning these into formats that are usable by policy-makers, professionals and practitioners. It also involves scanning trends, policies and practice to identify key issues for research on ageing and inequalities.
Location: Belfast or Dublin
Salary: £33,114 - £42,219/ €50, 175 - €63,974
Deadline: 02 July 2018
Please find job description and application form on our website:
How to Apply
Please return the completed application form via email to before the deadline of noon on Monday 2nd July. Please note that C.Vs are not accepted. It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that their application form is received by IPH before the above deadline; you may wish to request a read receipt. IPH is an equal Opportunities Employer
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