You are here: Home > News & Social Media > Latest News > BSG ERA are pleased to announce a podcast collaboration with the Later Life Audio and Radio Co-operative (LLARC).
BSG ERA are pleased to announce a podcast collaboration with the Later Life Audio and Radio Co-operative (LLARC).
BSG ERA are pleased to announce a podcast collaboration with the Later Life Audio and Radio Co-operative (LLARC). Throughout this podcast project, Dr Mervyn Eastman and Dr Arlind Reuter (chair of BSG ERA) speak to ERA researchers about their research on ageing.
The first episodes explored how theatre practice can counteract ageism, cultural differences in grandparenting, frailty, and how self-perception of ageing influences health outcomes. All episodes are released on the LLARC mixcloud and we are open to speaking to many other early career researchers in due course. Please get in touch with ERA ( if you are interested in presenting.

The podcast is accessible here:
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