You are here: Home > Publications > Generations Review - The Newsletter > How to submit

How to Submit

Getting Involved:

The editor welcomes:

  • any ideas for contributions;
  • items of news;
  • BSG related advertisements;
  • articles for consideration in the newsletter.

Submissions may be either short commentaries (up to 500 words) or longer articles (1,500 words maximum). Full references in Harvard style to be included when required. Visual images and graphics are welcomed and any hyperlinks to relevant WebPages, homepages, ageing centres etc. can be included within the on-line format.

Submissions to be sent electronically in word format by e.mail: (please send images as a jpeg as a separate attachment, not embedded in a word document).

Please contact the Editor if you would prefer to submit your work in a different format:

Dr Charles Musselwhite
Associate Professor/Reader in Gerontology
Centre for Innovative Ageing
College of Human and Health Sciences
Rm 17, Haldane Building
Swansea University
Singleton Park

All submissions will be acknowledged. Potential contributors will be informed of the outcome of their submission and the date of publication when accepted. Please include author’s name(s), affiliations, e-mail addresses and telephone numbers for the purposes of communication with the editorial team.

2018 Submission Deadlines

information to follow

We look forward to hearing from you.