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Professor Sheila Peace

Social Gerontology, Open University

The Environments of Ageing 

The focus of this talk is environmental gerontology; the relationship between people and the context in which they live and work.  Here environment is understood as a physical/material environment  - the natural, designed and structural features; the social environment -- how places are used and organised and the roles people have within them and, the psychological  environment -- what places mean to people and how they make them feel.  In particular we look at research that considers the interaction between people in later life and their environment centring here on the domestic kitchen.


Lawton,M.Powell.  (1980) Environment and Aging, Brooks/Cole Publishing Company: California.

Rowles,G.D., and Chaudhury,H (eds) (2005) Home and Identity in Later Life: International Perspectives, Springer Publishing Company: New York

Peace,S., Wahl,Hans-Werner, Mollenkopf,H and Oswald,F (2007) 'Environment and Ageing' in Bond,J., Peace,S., Dittman-Kohli,F and Westerhoff,G (eds) Ageing in Society: European perspectives on gerontology, London: Sage Publications

Holland,C (2010) 'The role of technologies in the everyday lives of older people', in Katz,J., Peace,S & Spurr,S (eds) Adult Lives: A life course perspective, Bristol: The Policy Press, pp.151-160

De Donder,L., Buffel,T., Dury,S., De Witte,N and Verte,D (2013) 'Perceptual quality of neighbourhood design and feelings of unsafety', Ageing & Society, Vol.33., Part 6,August,pp.917-937.

Rowles,G & Bernard,S (eds) (2013) Environmental Gerontology: Making Meaningful Places in Old Age, Springer Publishing Company: New York