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Care Homes Research

This Special Interest Group brings together academics, practitioners and other stakeholders with a common interest in care home research.

Aims & Objectives:

The SIG aims to strengthen research, policy, and practice in all areas of care homes research, including those related to staff, residents, family members and carers, as well as the home environment, and its links with external organisations. We also aim to develop complementary working relationships with the other SIGs, as well as other groups and organisations that support care homes research. 


Our objectives are to:

  • provide platforms for discussion and debate;
  • facilitate the development of research collaborations and funding proposals;
  • increase capacity for care home research;
  • promote methodological development around the novel challenges in care homes research;
  • support the dissemination and application of research findings to improve the lives of residents, carers and other stakeholders. 


Steering Committee Members:



Laura Brown
Secretary and Treasurer

Christine Brown Wilson


Stephen Tatlow
Sig Symposium Coordinator


Diane Bunn

Communications Co-lead


Mark Jayes
Communications Co-Lead


Isaiah Durosaiye


Nuno Lopes
Care Home Sector Representative